Articles and Notes on the Alexander Technique
The articles on this page are designed as an educational resource for teachers, pupils and learners of the Alexander Technique. Here, I share my experience and insights, and offer practical advice, and detailed explorations on the technique's application in various aspects of life, from managing back pain to enhancing performance skills. You will discover how you can achieve poise, ease, and efficiency in movement, transforming everyday activities into opportunities for personal growth.
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My Alexander Technique Articles
A Deeper Look at the Lying Down Procedure
A longer look at the Lying Down Procedure, including details about how to practice the procedure, and background to the technique.Alexander Technique Introductory Courses and Workshops
Some arguments for (and just a few against) including Alexander Technique Introductory Courses and Workshops, as part of a beginner's learning experience.Alexander Technique Teacher Training Courses
Alexander Technique is not only a valuable tool we can all use, it can also be a satisfying career choice.Back Pain and High Heels
Lower back pain can develop because of habitually wearing high heels.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Some pointers as to how to help yourself with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or, even better, how to avoid it.Constructive Conscious Control Over How We Use Our Bodies
In Alexander lessons, we learn to develop awareness and conscious control over the way we use our bodies.Directions
Short notes on Alexander's concept of DirectionsErgonomics
The relationship between the way we use ourselves when we work and the equipment we choose, is an important factor to consider.Free Yourself from the Mousetrap
Don't feel trapped by RSI - Learning the Alexander Technique can helpInternational Alexander Awareness Week
The annual International Alexander Awareness Week has now been renamed Alexander Technique Week.Lying Down Procedure: FAQ
All you need to know about practising the Alexander Lying Down ProcedureNotes on using the Whispered ‘Ah’ Procedure
A short discussion and explanation of the Whispered 'Ah' ProcedureNotes on Using Wall Work
By developing awareness and resisting the temptation to end-gain, we can use the Wall Work Procedure to learn about our use and to let go of habits of mis-usePregnancy, Childbirth and the Alexander Technique
Pregnancy and back pain Women’s bodies go through dramatic changes during pregnancy and, as the NHS Choices website states, many women experience back pain, particularly during the last weeks of pregnancy. Many women find using the Alexander Technique during pregnancy and childbirth can be very helpful. As the baby grows, … Read more »Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Explained
Repetitive Strain Injury Explained. An outline of the causes and symptoms of RSI and how the Alexander Technique can aid prevention and recovery.Research: Alexander Technique Helps Low Back Pain
The Alexander Technique is known to be of great help for low back pain and the ATEAM Research Trial published in the British Medical Journal supports this theory.Sitting with Poise: How the Alexander Technique can Help
Learn how Alexander work can help you let go of unhelpful sitting habits, and maintain a balanced and comfortable posture while sittingThe Conscious Application of Inhibition to Liberate Us From Old Habits
This article explores how the Alexander Technique's conscious application of inhibition can help liberate us from old habits
Alexander Technique Articles by Other Contributors
Alexander Technique Can Help Neck Pain and Headaches
A Student's experience of learning the AT and reducing neck pain, shoulder pain and headachesAlexander Technique Can Help With Hypermobility
A Student's Experience of Alexander lessons helping with Hypermobility and coordinationAlexander Technique Helps Me Manage Parkinson’s
My Alexander Technique lessons with Hilary King play a significant part in helping me manage my Parkinson's successfully.An Experience of Alexander Lessons
A student shares some experiences and insights gained from having AT lessonsMy Alexander Technique Journey
An AT student's route through to training as an Alexander Technique TeacherPreventing Crippling Tension Headaches
A student's account of how AT lessons helped her recover from chronic tension headaches and back pain.The Alexander Technique and How it Helped Me
An AT student's experience of coping with back pain and long term illness.