Online Alexander Technique Lessons

Online Alexander Technique lessons in your home

I am a qualified and experienced Alexander Technique teacher giving lessons in Harringay, London N4 and Online to people all round the world. I can help you learn how to be more comfortable in your body, reduce backpain strain & stress, plus gain poise and mindful movement. Book your private lesson »

Video lessons have some advantages

Online Alexander Technique means you can have a lesson in the comfort of your own home or office, saving time, money and energy by avoiding travel.  Video lessons also mean I can observe you whilst you use your own equipment.  People are often more natural in their own environment and therefore we can discover more about your usual habits.

Online Alexander Lesson via Zoom or Skype

An interesting benefit of online work is that you cannot be tempted to wait for my hands to make you ‘feel better’. So you need to use your own thinking and observations more acutely, in order to notice unhelpful habits and to bring about changes in yourself.  However, you have the advantage of my being able to observe you and guide you verbally whilst you learn how to do this. In fact, this is how Alexander initially worked when he was developing the technique, before he began to guide pupils directly with his hands (of course, he did not work online as the internet didn’t exist then!).  Alexander had to go it alone to work out his own problems and it took him about 7 years!  Developing self-awareness and working on yourself is also important in hands-on lessons but with online work, this aspect of self-discovery is essential and more obvious.

F M Alexander Used Mirrors

In traditional hands-on lessons, pupils have access to using a mirror in order to learn about their habits. Online, you can use the computer screen like a mirror, so you can observe your own movements and reactions. This helps you develop observational skills and awareness of your body use. It makes sense therefore, for you to use a big screen for lessons rather than a phone, if you have the option to do this. If you have two screens, this could allow you to see yourself and me during lessons – but you would need to turn the sound off on one machine to avoid feedback noises. Of course you can also observe yourself in a mirror when you are working on yourself between lessons.

Alexander developed the technique in order to help him with his vocal problems and he did so without anyone helping him. He constantly used mirrors to observe himself and discovered the habits that led to him to losing his voice. Through observation and experimentation, FM worked out how to let go of his unhelpful habits, so he could act differently in the world and look after his voice. His breathing also improved and when he started teaching other people, they were coming back and saying things like ‘my back pain has gone’ or ‘My posture is better and I’m standing differently’.        We follow in his footsteps!

International Pupils

Another advantage of online lessons is their international reach and appeal. This means that  even pupils who live in areas of the world that don’t have Alexander teachers working there yet, are able to benefit from learning the AT.  So far I have had clients in Belgium, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, Thailand and the USA.  Plus more distant parts of London, Scotland, Wales and the UK of course!

Hybrid Online and Face to Face Lessons

It is also possible to mix online lessons with face to face lessons. Indeed, during the height of the pandemic, several pupils did just that, as face to face lessons stopped and started. These days I have some online pupils that make occasional visits to London and are able to experience some hands-on work. This seems to work very well.

Contact Me

For more information about my current fees for online classes or in-person Alexander lessons in Haringey North London, you can contact me here

Reduced Rate Alexander Lessons for NHS staff

As a way of showing my support and appreciation for their hard work during the pandemic and after, I am offering junior level NHS staff a 10% reduction on both face to face and online lessons. Just Contact me using an NHS email address.

Discount for BAPAM Referrals

For many years now, I have also offered a 10% discount to referrals from BAPAM, the British Association of Performing Arts  Medicine.

See what this GP said about starting Online Alexander Classes with me

“I recently started Alexander Technique lessons online and have found them very helpful.  As a beginner I wondered if it may be difficult to learn online but I have been pleased with my progress.  Hilary is able to give clear instructions and demonstrate where needed.  I feel more aware of my body position and able to free up tension.  This has been particularly useful at work, where I sit for extended periods at a screen.”  Rowan – GP – June 2020