I am pleased to say that my Alexander lessons are re-starting in Harringay, as from Tuesday 18th June.
So if you would like to re-connect, or experiment with trying some AT, do get in touch.
I have been silent for a while, as I have been recovering from having a hip replacement operation. My many years of training and being a ballet dancer seriously impacted on my hip joints! More about this later…
My recovery has gone really well, thanks in large part to my being able to use the Alexander Technique to help me. I was able to apply AT awareness to using crutches, to learning how to climb stairs with a leg that didn’t really work and then, to regain a wide range of movements in a balanced and, gradually, a freer manner. Of course, I also applied my understanding of AT to practicing my physio exercises as well as I could.
What a joy it was to return the crutches to the hospital and another pleasure, and relief, was when I could again climb up onto my Alexander table, to lie on it and work on myself. I could begin to look after my hard-working back and legs again. Such a wonderful resource to be able to use!
Alexander Lying Down Procedure – Brilliant for Aiding Recovery!
It has been gratifying to hear physios and medics commenting on my good posture and the speed with which I could walk well. I hope they heard me when I told them that using the Alexander Technique has really helped me!
The experience has been a steep learning curve. Over the years, I have helped many people who have have had accidents or surgery. This latest personal experience, will enhance my ability to help others in their recovery process.