Category Archives: Newington Green

Think of your Use at an Art Exhibition and Avoid Back Pain

Ellen Graubart

Ellen is an artist who is familiar with the Alexander Technique. She held a solo exhibition locally, which was well worth going to see.  I’ll let the painting speak for itself but will add that her work is even better in reality. It was an exciting and vibrant exhibition.

Thumbnail image for Sailing 2. Ellen Graubart JPG Art exhibitions are a time when many people end up with back ache, because they are standing for long periods without being aware of the way they are using their bodies. Looking up above eye level to see a painting, without awareness, can contribute to the problem if we contract our neck and the muscles in our lower back. This can create problems such as a hollow back, putting pressure onto the lumbar vertebrae and discs, which causes discomfort and even back pain.

So take yourself to art exhibitions and remember all you have learned in Alexander lessons; be aware of your use, look after your neck and back so that you remain freely poised and pain-free.

Sailing 2 – Ellen Graubart