
Eustress is the term that psychologists have given to the positive, entirely manageable levels of stress that we can all experience (Selye 1976).

Eustress is the type of stress that is perceived to be positive and stimulating and can make some of life’s challenges seem quite exciting, particularly if they are self-imposed. When we experience eustress, our performance levels tend to be enhanced and challenges can be enjoyable. Athletes and musicians, for instance, often view the stresses involved with their work as being something that can enhance their performance.

Apathy and boredom make it hard to get going and research has shown that too little stress and arousal reduces performance levels, as does high levels of stress and anxiety.  This is neatly depicted in the Yerkes Dodson Law (1908).


Hebbian version of the Yerkes–Dodson law

Eustress in Action

One Alexander Technique pupil who was fit, healthy and in his mid thirties, found it very stimulating to respond to a crisis by staying at work day-night-day for over 36 hours – without a break – until the task was done. He was just tired for a couple of days but he had used Alexander skills and awareness to help himself during his prolonged work and after it was over, and no harm was done. In fact he felt quite exhilarated by the experience! This was eustress.

Prolonged High Stress Levels Can Lead to Illness

It is possible to get away with short spells of extremely high pressure. However, eustress can turn into unpleasant stress, if the pressure continues for too long without periods of calm and a good use of stress management skills.  The balance in our systems gets distorted. Many people at this point become emotionally or physically drained and ill. Burn-out is an obvious example of this process.

If my pupil had been less fit, did not perceive stress as a positive experience, did not use self-care skills, or if the stresses had continued for longer, then his whole system is likely to have become exhausted and he would have experienced full blown stress and strain.

Maintain a Healthy Balance

Therefore, in order to enjoy the benefits that are available to us with eustress, it is important to develop a positive attitude towards challenges and have a range of coping strategies. By learning the Alexander Technique, we can gain a valuable set of skills that can help us, in many ways, to maintain a healthy balance in our lives.